Some are destined to succeed, while some others are determined to succeed. I will dwell on the second group of people who have acknowledged their present position in life and have a clear vision of where they want to be and have the willpower to achieve their dreams irrespective of prevailing challenges and setbacks they encounter. This never-say never approach to life has distinguished a lot of men and women in their chosen works of life including business.
The Nigeria business environment is not in short supply of these men and women who have left their mark in the various sectors of our economic life. The Nigerian banking industry is one industry that has been endowed with a crop of very brilliant men and women that have elevated the business of Banking in our country in the last two decades. Notable among them is the duo of Fola Adeola and Late Tayo Aderinokun who foraged into the arena of banking business in the country with a clear vision of what their objective was and saw their dream to fruition with every inch of professional dexterity they could muscle.
Today, after their exits from managing the day to day affairs of the bank, Guaranty Trust Bank still remains the hallmark of corporate governance, customer service, innovativeness and astuteness in its industry. These are virtues that will remain desirable by most of its peers.
No doubt, the Bank remains a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs who wish to take their businesses to greater heights. Suffice it to say that with a clear vision, determination, discipline and steadfastness you possess what it takes to turn your business to a thriving legacy for tomorrow’s generation.
In this edition, we took a close look at the performance of Guaranty Trust Bank in the last one year under the new leadership of Mr. Segun Agbaje, and what the bank has in store for its stakeholders in, 2012. We also beamed our spotlight on the prognosis of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector in 2012 and the opportunities investor could gain by playing in the sector.
Mr. Bolaji Finnih, a software solution provider tells his success story as an entrepreneur who discovered himself early enough while still in the university and had never sought employment afterwards. These and many more interesting articles have been packaged for your delight.
We are very grateful for your unswerving support so far, and we continue to count on you all the way. Do not hesitate to send us your comments, feedbacks, suggestions and opinion as we tag along.