Industry & Money

Foreign Loans Drive Up Capital Importation by 19% to $330m

Increased loan inflows improved capital importation into Nigeria in January 2024 by 19 percent month-on-month, MoM, to $330 million from $280 million in December 2023.

The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, disclosed this in its Monthly Economic Report for January 2024. CBN said: “Higher inflow of loans boosted foreign capital inflow in the review month.”

Giving further details on the capital importation during the period, the CBN report stated: “New investments to the economy increased by  17.9 per cent to $0.33 billion, from $0.28 billion December 2023.

“Portfolio investment inflow increased by 9.1 per cent to $0.12 billion, from $0.11 billion, due, largely, to higher purchase of money market instruments. “Similarly, foreign direct investment inflow increased to $0.03 billion, from the level in the preceding month.

“Other investment capital, mainly in the form of loans, also rose by 12.5 per cent  to $0.18 billion, from $0.16 billion in the preceding period. “In terms of share, inflow of other investment capital (mainly loans) constituted 55.1per cent, while foreign portfolio investment and foreign direct investment accounted for 34.8  and 10.1per cent, respectively.”

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